Welcome to International Believers Leadership Connection (IBLC) Web Page

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The video above explains in brief what IBLC is about. Enjoy!

International Believers Leadership Connection (IBLC) is a global organization founded for the purpose of reaching out to an international coalition of Christian leaders especially those called in the five-fold ministry. This includes Apostles, Pastors, Evangelists, Teachers and Prophets. In these meetings, we are including those who are serving in the ministry of helps and those others that sense a call of God in their lives. Our ultimate desire is to train leaders of tomorrow while we encourage those currently in position of leadership to stand strong in their calling.

The concept of the five-fold ministry comes from Ephesians 4:11, “It was he who gave some to be (1) apostles, some to be (2) prophets, some to be (3) evangelists, and some to be (4) pastors and (5) teachers.” Ephesians 4:12-13 tells us that the purpose of the five-fold ministry is, “to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.”

Our mission

  1. Encourage and provide an ongoing ministry to each other as ministers of the Gospel through Zoom conferences or in person fellowships.
  2. To share, teach and train on God centered Biblical principles and initiatives (one doctrine of Christ).

Our Vision

Our vision is to go beyond religion and race as Christ ambassadors and to establish a heavenly unified body of Christ strictly based on God’s Word!

You desire to be a part of this organization?

Please fill out the form below to register and click SUBMIT BUTTON at the bottom of the form.

Please Note:

  • All the information submitted on the registry form, shall remain confidential and for office use ONLY.
  • Meetings commenced on October 29th 2022 at 2PM (Eastern Standard Time) – US Time.
  • All meetings are held once a month unless otherwise noted at 2 PM – US Eastern Standard Time on the last Saturday of each month.
  • The first 10 minutes shall be used for interaction among leaders from various nations. 45 minutes is designated for the speaker of the Word. The last 5 minutes is designated for prayer and conclusion.
  • Finally, we request you to please invite someone in leadership that you know to help facilitate this mission and vision.

Zoom Meeting And Recording

  1. If the host decides to record the meeting, the attendees will receive a notification when a recording starts or if they join a session that is already being recorded.
  2. If meetings are being recorded, Zoom will also automatically provide notification to the attendees during the entire time the recording is in progress.
  3. The attendees shall have an option to either consent to stay in the meeting being recorded, join via audio only or leave the meeting in general.
  4. After the meeting has concluded, a recorded video as well as the report listing the attendees will be generated for recording purposes and also shall be made available upon request with a fee.
  5. The meetings SHALL NOT be streamed live on any social media platforms by the host unless otherwise advised and only with the consent of the attendees.
  6. The recorded meeting in either audio or video formats shall be made available to those who participated in the meeting through BLC coordinators only.


Stay in touch:

1. Join the “IBLC” Whatsapp Group.

2. Subscribe to our IBLC YouTube channel.

3. Email Us: IBLC834@GMAIL.COM

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