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Giving to Outreaches Online

First of all, we want to take this opportunity to thank you for supporting our vision and mission. When you give to Missions for Christ Ministries, you are giving to…

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Why the words “I Do” are so powerful in marriage

“I DO” – Part 1 The marriage between a man and a woman must be viewed as a covenant before God and therefore it must taken seriously. Breaking a marriage…

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Is Jesus Christ The Son Of God?

Jesus Himself asked those around Him; “Who Do You Say That I Am?” In the Gospels, Jesus identified himself as Son of God, Messiah, and Savior. The Gospels are not…

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What Is Praying Without Ceasing?

Apostle Paul is the writer of the epistle we know as 1 Thessalonians to the church of Thessalonica. He sent it shortly after he had established the congregation there. In…

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