Why we need the anointing of God in our lives and the ways to protect it (Part 1)

1 John 2:20 (NKJV) says “But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you know all things”.  When God’s presence or affirmation is on your life, it doesn’t matter…

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Paul – the great apostle and the lessons to learn from him (Part 2)

Continuation of Part 1 6. No one is beyond God’s Saving Grace – (Matthew 5: 44-45) God’s grace upon Paul transformed him into a completely different person. Like Paul, God…

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Paul – The great apostle and the lessons to learn from him (Part 1)

Study Acts chapter 9:3-22 (KJV) to understand the conversion of Apostle Paul Saul of Tarsus, better known as Paul the Apostle, is known to be an author of approximately 8-13…

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The five important lessons to learn from the life of Moses in the Bible – Part 2

Continuation of Part 1 Lesson no. 3: With great power comes great accountability As humble and submissive Moses was to God’s commandments, he was still human and bound to commit mistakes….

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The five important lessons to learn from the life of Moses in the Bible – Part 1

Who was Moses? Moses is among the most prominent biblical figures in both the New and Old Testament. He grew up to be one of the spiritual giants of the…

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Lessons to Learn from King David – A man after God’s heart – Part 2

6. Don’t Get Stuck Trying to Undo the Past We read that David had a sexual encounter with Bathsheba while she was married to Uriah. If that wasn’t bad enough,…

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Lessons to Learn from King David – A man after God’s heart – Part 1

The story of David is one of the most detailed ones in the Bible. It begins in 1 Samuel 16 and goes all the way through 1 Kings 2:12. King…

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Amazing lessons to learn from the Life of Abraham and why he is called a father of faith

Romans Chapter 4 16 Therefore it is of faith, that it might be by grace; to the end the promise might be sure to all the seed; not to that only which is of the…

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The six lessons to learn from the story of Joseph – the dreamer

The life of Joseph is one of the most fascinating stories in the Bible. His story in actuality may be the greatest example of godly character and integrity in the…

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Understanding God’s ultimate plan for redemption for the entire world

King Jesus – God’s plan of redemption The Old Testament prophets spoke again and again of a coming kingdom on the earth. Abraham caught a glimpse of it, Moses saw…

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