God’s love and faithfulness – Scriptures to remember

Psalm 33:4 For the Word of the Lord is upright, And all His work is done in faithfulness. Psalm 91:4 He will cover you with His pinions, And under His wings you…

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How to deal with delays in prayers during your Christian walk of faith

Daniel 10:12 “Then said he unto me, Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy…

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The wisdom to win the unsaved friends and family members to the Lord

God has to be involved in soul winning by the power of Holy Spirit… First, we need to realize that it is the Father who draws people through the Holy…

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The two main keys that Jesus Christ taught to help us defeat the enemies of faith

Matthew 17:14-21 (New King James Version) Jesus Heals A Boy from a demoniac attack… 14 And when they had come to the multitude, a man came to Him, kneeling down to…

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The major enemies of our faith and how to overcome them – Part 2

Continuation from Part 1 Enemy #4: Not walking in love Enemy #5: Hardness of Heart Enemy #6: Ignorance of the Word of God Enemy #7: Feelings of Unworthiness Enemy #8:…

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The major enemies of our faith and how to overcome them – Part 1

Enemy #1: Fear Enemy #2: Unforgiveness Enemy #3: Doubt and unbelief Hebrews 11:6 The Bible tells us that without faith it is impossible to please God. So, we must live…

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Why faith in God is important today and the two major keys to help maintain it

Without faith, we cannot please God (Hebrews 11:6) Faith makes us well. (1 Peter 2:24, Isaiah 55:11, Matthew 9:22 & 29, Luke 17:19, Acts 3:16, James 5:15) Faith makes great…

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The main reasons why many people are losing their faith in God and the remedy

Statistics show that today in societies across the globe, there is an overwhelming and growing percentage of Christians leave alone other people who are moving away from faith teachings and…

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How to allow your light to shine in a dark world

We’re in a tough period in our culture’s history – worldwide. With the global pandemic, job losses and economic decline, racial protests, political contentions, churches not being able to gather…

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What to do when things or your plans don’t go your way

Has life ever taken a turn you didn’t anticipate? I know it has for me many times. And to keep it real with you, I can’t say my initial response…

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