Why are many believers today walking around with a facade of happiness but a heart of heaviness?

First, as believers, we must settle in that God is more concerned about our lives than anyone else in this world. Your friends, relatives and even so sorry to say…

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The power of trusting God and the blessings that comes with it – Part 2

The power of TRUSTING GOD and the blessings that come from it – Part 2 Jeremiah 29:11 “I know the plans I have in mind for you, declares the Lord;…

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Understanding the mystery of healing and miracles – Is healing for today and is it for everyone?

The Bible says in Isaiah 53:4-5, “4 Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. 5 But he was…

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Understanding how the kingdom truth overrules the earthly facts

First, we need to understand that THE TRUTH and FACTS are not the same based on Heavenly Kingdom principles. Now it may refer to the same thing according to earthly…

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What to do when things or your plans don’t go your way

Has life ever taken a turn you didn’t anticipate? I know it has for me many times. And to keep it real with you, I can’t say my initial response…

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The secret and benefits of maintaining your relationships with God amidst chaos in the world

Jeremiah 17:7-8 “Blessed is the man that trusts in the Lord, and whose hope is in the Lord. 8. For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, and…

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How to hear and recognize God’s voice (Part 2)

Presumptuous faith verses real faith There is a great difference between hearing what one would assume it is God’s voice and knowing for sure it is Him. Many people have…

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How the anointing causes increase and prosperity

Did you know that you have an anointing for increase and expansion? I mean – you and I have been anointed to Success, live an abundant life and overflow with…

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